Nia Bediako's Parliamentary Sophistry

Carolyn Birden, as Chair of the WBAI Management Search Committee (MSC) had called a meeting of that committee for January 7, 2010. Faction operative Nia Bediako replied with the below argument, which she and her faction then tried to use to remove the elected members from the MSC at a subsequent LSB meeting. Nia Bediako's sophistry was refuted with an argument presented here. It appears that Ms. Bediako's mind has seized upon the fact that the MSC is a “special committee” under Roberts Rules of Order and cannot take in the other aspects of the situation.

Dear Carolyn,

This committee has to be reconstituted because we now have new board members and new officers. To meet on the 7th would be a violation according to Roberts Rules p. 484, lines 34-p. 485, line 6, states:

"A special committee -- since it is appointed for a specific purpose -- continues to exist until the duty assigned to it is accomplished, unless discharged sooner, and it ceases to exist as soon as the assembly receives its final report. The fact that an annual meeting intervenes does not discharge a special committee, but in an elected or appointed body, as a convention, special committees that have not reported cease to exist when the new officers assume their duties at the next annual meeting."

Let's follow the rules so our work cannot be challenged at a later date.


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