Below is Cerene Roberts' substitute motion about the LSB Radio Show Committee as presented to the WBAI LSB at its meeting of June 26, 2007. It was presented without colors then and it's presented without colors now.


ORIG: Whereas the bulk of work of the Local Station Board (LSB) is done in committees, be it resolved that:

CMTE: Whereas, the purpose of the LSB program is to report on the work of the board and on issues of concern for the station, be it resolved that:

RVSD: Whereas, the bylaws in Article Seven, Section 10 authorize the Local Station Board to designate one or more advisory committees, to serve at the pleasure, direction and supervision of the LSB; therefore be it

Resolved, That the WBAI LSB designates a standing committee, the LSB Radio Report Committee, to assist in the implementation of the present motion regarding the LSB's on-air report of its work and on board and station matters to the listeners, and be it further

Resolved, That this standing committee will consist of at least two LSB members as selected by the LSB; and that LSB members on the committee are responsible to ensure that a) the committee's reports and recommendations are communicated to the LSB by the committee chair, b) the committee is fulfilling its purposes as set forth by the LSB, and c) the committee is working in a respectful manner that is consistent with the bylaws.

Resolved, That unless otherwise provided in this or a subsequent amendment or resolution any listener or staff member of WBAI who volunteers for the committee and attends the first two initial meetings, or any three consecutive meetings thereafter, becomes a member of the committee; that any non-LSB member of the committee will lose membership in the committee after two consecutive unexcused absences (and if so they may regain membership after attending three consecutive meetings), when removed by two-thirds vote of the committee or when removed by majority vote of the LSB.

ORIG: Monthly on-air LSB Reports will include reports from its committees, with LSB staff-members serving, in alphabetical order, as hosts. If the scheduled host is unavailable or unwilling, the next available person in the rotation shall substitute. Hosting duties shall not affect a staff-member's eligibility to report, except that one should not serve as host and guest on the same program unless no other LSB staff member is available.

CMTE: Monthly on-air LSB reports will have LSB staff-members invited to serve as hosts, in alphabetical order. Hosting duties shall not affect a staff-member' s eligibility to report, except that one should not serve as host and guest on the same program.

RVSD: Live monthly on-air LSB reports will include brief updates on the work of the LSB, network, PNB and the Bylaws revision process as well as announcements of board meetings and events, rotated and scheduled in such a way that it does not affect programs which air monthly, and be rebroadcast in its entirety, without interruption and within one week, for a nighttime audience on programs beginning after midnight.

At least half of the time will be devoted to listener calls.

The LSB recommends that it's live on-air report be rotated between morning and afternoon and scheduled in such a way that it does not affect programs which air once weekly or once monthly, and be rebroadcast in its entirety, without interruption and within one week, for a nighttime audience on programs beginning after midnight.

LSB staff-members shall be invited to serve as hosts, in alphabetical order. If the scheduled host is unavailable, the next available person in the rotation shall substitute. Hosting duties shall not affect a staff-member' s eligibility to report, except that one should not serve as host and guest on the same program.

ORIG: The first report of the year will include the presentation of local board officers and members of the Pacifica National Board (PNB). Directors will be scheduled to report after each quarterly in-person meeting. In the remaining months, one hour of each report will feature four LSB members, running alphabetically, except for those members who appear in their roles as directors. If anyone is unavailable at the time of his or her alphabetical rotation, the next person can be called, and the first party can participate in the next regular report.

CMTE: The first report of the year will include presentations of the local board officers and members of the Pacifica National Board. In the remaining months, one hour of each report will feature four LSB members, who have not already appeared, running alphabetically. If anyone is unavailable at the time of his or her alphabetical rotation, the next person can be called, and the first party can participate in the next regular report. LSB members who are active on committees shall report on their committees during their regular time on air.

RVSD: The first report each year will include the presentation of local board officers.

Members of the Pacifica National Board (PNB) aka Directors will be scheduled for one hour on the Report immediately after each quarterly in-person PNB meeting. Where (a) director's (s') ability to participate is affected by the Fair Campaign Provisions, an equal number of director-members of the PNB Coordinating Committee shall be invited to serve as (a) replacement(s), with no substitute appearing twice until each CC member shall have appeared once or indicated their inability to appear. Invitations shall be offered in the following order: WPFW, KPFT, KPFK and KPFA.

In the remaining months, one hour of each Report will feature four LSB members, running alphabetically, except for directors. If anyone is unavailable, the next person shall be invited, and the first party may participate in the next regular Report. No person shall appear twice in the rotation until each interested person has appeared once.

ORIG: Committees shall continue to appear in accordance with the rotation developed in 2005, i.e. Membership, Outreach and Fundraising, followed by Finance, Management Evaluation and Programming, except that the Finance Committee may also report midway through the budget process in July/August, and the Committee of Inclusion and the

Community Advisory Board annually. Committees shall be represented by their chairs and two other persons elected by the committees.

RVSD: The other hour will be shared equally by two committees appearing in accordance with the rotation developed in 2005, i.e. Membership, Outreach and Fundraising, followed by Finance, Management Evaluation and Programming, except that the Finance Committee shall also report midway through the budget process in July/August, and the Committee of Inclusion and the Community Advisory Board annually. Where a chair is unavailable, the secretary may serve; where both are unavailable the subject committee may choose to elect a third representative or move ahead with two.

ORIG: The time allotted for reports will be two hours which will include brief updates on the work of the LSB, network, PNB and the Bylaws revision process as well as announcements of board meetings and events. At least half of the remaining time in each hour will be devoted to listener calls.

CMTE: The time allotted for reports will be two hours, which will include brief updates on the work of the LSB and its committees, the Pacifica network, the PNB, issues of significance, and announcements of board meetings and events. At least half of the allotted time will be devoted to listener calls. In an effort to provide the greatest outreach to each listener, the committee will explore several formats and scheduling options. The LSB recommends that if its live on-air report is rotated throughout the program schedule, that it be done in such a way that it does not repeatedly affect the same programs.

ORIG: In consideration of the Fair Election Campaign rules, no listener-member who is eligible to run for election shall participate in any on-air report as of the day nominations open.

CMTE: Consistent with the Fair Election Campaign Rules, no listener-member, who is eligible to run for election, shall participate in any on-air report as of the day nominations open.

ORIG: The Radio Committee shall meet before each scheduled broadcast date to plan the program and the board secretary shall be responsible for its promotion.

CMTE: The Radio Committee shall meet before each scheduled broadcast date to plan the program and to designate two or more persons who will be responsible for implementation. If, for whatever reason, the plan cannot be implemented, the committee should be promptly informed and consulted on how to deal with the problem. In the absence of a decision by the committee, the implementers will consult with each other to seek a solution. The implementers' primary responsibility is to act in good faith to fulfill the intent of the plan.

The Radio Committee shall designate a member to be responsible for coordinating the promotion of the LSB Report through the use of a cart, websites, the LSB hotline, various listserves, and the WBAI newsletter, and a member to coordinate the scheduling of the show with the appropriate WBAI department head and/or the Program Director.

RVSD: The Radio Committee shall meet once to plan the program based on the dates designated by the Program Director. The Radio Committee shall meet before each scheduled broadcast date to plan the program and to designate two or more persons who will be responsible for implementation. If, for whatever reason, the plan cannot be implemented, the committee should be promptly informed and consulted on how to deal with the problem. In the absence of a decision by the committee, the implementers will consult with each other to seek a solution. The implementers' primary responsibility is to act in good faith to fulfill the intent of the plan.. The board secretary shall be responsible for its promotion.

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